IIIegal residents can take advantage of the UAE visa amnesty program

As of Sunday, the UAE’s amnesty program began, immigration centers all over the country became places where hundreds of illegal residents and tourists could find hope. As part of the two-month plan, skilled expats were given jobs on the spot, thousands of dirhams in fines were waived, and families who had been living without papers for years got their IDs.On September 1, 2024, expats who had been in the country illegally after their residency or visit cards ran out got a fresh start.

Up until October 30, the two-month plan will let people who have broken the law either get their status back on track or leave the country without facing bans, fines, or exit fees. Here is what happened on the first day of the amnesty program, as reported by Khaleej Times reporters in different parts of the UAE.

Busy Sunday in a long time:

As Day 1 of visa amnesty program advanced, more people rushed into the Amer centre in Dubai Airport Freezone (Dafza). “This is the busiest Sunday we have had in a long time. People often avoid coming to Dafza because they feel they need a pass to enter, but that’s not the case,” a centre representative told Khaleej Times.

He continued, “We have been visited by an immigration official as well, who was at hand to answer any issues we have. I expect things to get crazy from tomorrow forward. I might bring staff from other facilities here to handle the rush.”

Hope for Ugandan expats:

Ugandan expats Asasira and Victoria are hoping to return home during the current amnesty program scheme. Both have amassed overstay fines and have absconding status against them.

I was struggling with health issues, which caused me to lose my job and led to my absconding status,” Asasira stated. “I’ve been overstaying for over a year now. This amnesty program is a tremendous blessing, and I hope it permits me to go home and reconcile with my family.

Hiring skilled labourers seeking amnesty program:

Sabu Edward, Albin Alfred and Augustine Michael are owners of contracting enterprises who have offered to engage experienced workmen who are seeking amnesty program. They were present at the Amer centre at the Dubai Airport Freezone (Dafza).

We have been in touch with several Amer centres to offer employment to skilled labourers,” added Sabu, speaking to Khaleej Times. Many of them are taking CVs of such workers at our behest.” During this amnesty period, people desiring to regularise their status in the country can do so with an official offer letter.

PROs offering support:

A group of public relations officers, members of the United PRO association, was on the ground at the Amer centre in the Airport, Freezone, to assist those arriving to check for amnesty program. “For many people, it is nerve-wracking to come here and do the procedure,” said Abdul Ghafoor. “Since it is the first day, things have been slow, but we expect things to get busier tomorrow.”

Amnesty by the Consulate General of India:

The following initiatives have been taken to support Indians residing in Dubai and the Northern Emirates:

  • Applicants who intend to return to India may apply for an Emergency Certificate (EC). Applicants who desire to regularise their residency status may apply for a short-validity passport.
  • Applicants can request an EC at the Consulate on a Gratis basis. Facilitation desks will be set up at the Consulate General of India, Dubai, and the Awir Immigration Centre, Dubai. The counter will be working starting September 2 from 8am until 6pm.
  • Applicants can get the ECs from the Consulate General of India, Dubai, between 2pm and 6pm on the day after completing the application.
  • Applicants can approach any of the BLS centres in Dubai and Northern Emirates as walk-ins to apply for short-validity passports.

Amer centre regularising status:

A continuous stream of amnesty program seekers has been attending the Amer Centre in Dubai Airport Freezone. Filipino expat Jen travelled all the way from Ajman by taxi to regularise her status. “I am hoping to regularise my status and get a job here,” she told Khaleej Times.

Lost your passport?

Officials of other nations have stepped in to help overstaying expats without passports on acquiring an outpass to exit the UAE. Pakistan Press Consul, warned that unlawful residents without passports “will need to assemble all their paperwork and visit the consulate to obtain an outpass.”

After the outpass is given by the embassy or consulate, overstayers can apply for the exit permission in ICP facilities around UAE, approved typing centres, as well as online through ICP electronic channels. In Dubai, all Amer centres will give amnesty program, along with General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) Dubai centre in Al Awir.

Returning home soon

In July, Joy, a Filipina domestic helper, ran away from her employer after allegedly enduring sexual harassment. While escaping, the 41-year-old grabbed a few vital items but did not get her passport.She stayed with her friends in Abu Dhabi as her employer apparently launched an absconding lawsuit against her. When she learned about the UAE visa amnesty program, she instantly took advantage of the opportunity to return to the Philippines.

An official from the Philippine Migrants Workers Office (MWO) in Abu Dhabi will verify with the agency which recruited her to determine if the employer submitted Joy’s passport to them. However, officials confirmed that if they cannot find Joy’s passport, she can still go home with a travel document that will be given in lieu of it.

No fines for violators:

The Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security has underlined that no financial penalties will be enforced on visa violators, providing them a grace period to regularise their status.

This amnesty program applies to numerous categories: persons with expired residence permits, those with expired visas, foreign-born individuals whose guardians haven’t secured their residence within four months after birth, and those included in administrative reports for employment cessation or absenteeism.

Al Awir operations:

Explaining the arrangements established by the authorities at the Al Awir amnesty centre, Major General Obaid Muhair Bin Suroor, deputy director of GDRFA, said there are two large tents – one for male and another for female inmates. The facility includes numerous parking places for those heading to Al Awir.

Individuals visiting the Al Awir centre can submit their paperwork and complete the procedures to legalise their status. They can either seek an exit permit and depart the nation or settle their status and continue residing in the Emirates.

My infant will now have an identity:

Filipina expat Ruth, 46, said her one-year-old baby will now have an identity, owing to the UAE amnesty initiative. She gave birth at home in July 2023. As she has been here illegally since 2020, she was unable to apply for her baby’s birth certificate and passport.

Ruth, for her part, still holds a valid passport. She previously worked as a cleaner before her visa was terminated four years ago at the height of the Covid-19 outbreak. Now, another organization has committed to employing her. “Thanks to UAE amnesty program, my baby and I can now regularise our stay here in the UAE.”

Officials from the Philippine Embassy in Abu Dhabi assisted her on Sunday and advised her the protocol to follow. First, she has to notify the birth to Abu Dhabi’s Department of Health (DoH) and file for late registration to acquire a birth certificate that will be attested by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

Health insurance fine waiver:

In keeping with the Federal Authority’s decision to give a two-month grace period commencing September 1 for offenders of entry and residence regulations, the Department of Health – Abu Dhabi has announced a waiver of health insurance fines.

Officials keen to aid:

Major General Obaid Muhair bin Suroor, deputy director of GDRFA in Dubai, interacts with a family from the Philippines at the Al Awir amnesty centre.

Despite being a Sunday, an official holiday in the UAE, immigration officials are stationed at several venues, assiduously aiding expats who desire to rectify their visa status.

Helping hand:

Berry Mount Dubai has undertaken a support effort to aid inhabitants throughout the excessive heat and the ongoing Dubai amnesty project. According to KT reporter Zain Basalat, for the next two months, the charity would offer necessary commodities like fruits and water to individuals struggling financially. This program intends to reduce the load on persons encountering problems in financing needs and visa charges during the amnesty period.

100 illegals cleared in 30 minutes:

Dubai’s GDRFA processed the papers of over 100 illegal residents in 30 minutes after the visa amnesty kicked off. Over 2,000 people are expected to avail of the amnesty daily across 86 Amer sites in Dubai.

Steady stream of expats:

On Sunday, a steady stream of expats across the Emirates began availing themselves of the amnesty scheme, which will run until October 30, 2024.

The Federal Authority for Identity, Nationality, Customs, and Port Security will accept applications from foreigners who have broken the country’s residence system. The UAE is dedicated to upholding the law while reflecting its core values of tolerance and mercy in society.

Departure pass validity:

The departure permit will be good for 14 days. If the departure is not completed within the grace period or after permits expire outside the specified exemption period, all previous fines and restrictions will be immediately reinstated.

UAE will help:

Director General, GDRFA, is at the Al Awir centre to supervise the full proceedings. Speaking to Khaleej Times, he said, “The UAE is standing by and supporting them (illegal expats) and resolving the problems faced by them. Despite it being Sunday, a day when we are usually not required to work, all immigration officials are on duty to provide amnesty services and assist those in need.

Verifying papers:

Expats wait in anticipation as officials carefully review their papers during the second round of the process.

Once overstayers documents are processed and they qualify, people can get an outpass from an Amer centre in Dubai.

Amnesty eligibility:

The plan covers all types of visas, including tourist and expired residency visas. Those who were born without documents can also rectify their situation. Those who ran away or absconded from their supporters can also apply. However, those who entered the country illegally cannot ask for amnesty.

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